Financial Aid Available to Obtain Business Attire

As involvement in YIRA may often involve occasions where business attire is appropriate (for photoshoots, conferences, etc.), we want to remind our members that financial aid may be requested to obtain such clothing. To request financial assistance with the cost of any professional attire needed to participate in YIRA and its constituent programs, please fill out this form, which can also be accessed by visiting

If possible, please also state the occasion for which you need the business attire on the above form. Should you have any questions as you fill out the form, please reach out to Dora Pang, YIRA Treasurer, at

Anonymous YIRA Violations Reporting Form

YIRA is committed to making sure we are a safe space for every single member. We understand that it is incredibly important to provide a clear and anonymous line of reporting in the case that there are violations of YIRA's and Yale's policies. Everything submitted on this form is 100% anonymous, and YIRA Board will evaluate each claim to the best of its ability based on the information you provide. Nothing is too big or too small. You may be reporting something that you personally have experienced, or something someone else has. If you would like to report something in person instead, please email Evelyn Jiang at

The anonymous reporting form is here. This is a reusable Qualtrics link that can be pasted into emails or onto a website, and is unable to track identifying information of respondents.

Chairing and Vice-chairing

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A committee is the discussion participants, or delegates, engage in throughout the conference. As a committee chair, you would facilitate the conversations and steer participants toward building consensus and solving global issues. Similar to chairing, vice-chairing means overseeing the discussions of the committee and working with delegates toward problem-solving on the topics the chairs selected.

In practice, chairing or vice-chairing requires you to set aside a weekend for fun, thought-provoking discussion, and a host of activities including dinners, special events, and more. To ensure that all chairs feel prepared for monitoring the debate, they attend parliamentary procedure training sessions to learn the rules for the discussions. To guide the committee in the direction they want, chairs also assemble topic guides, or brief summaries of the issues they want delegates to cover.

If you are new to Model UN or are in your first year at Yale, we generally encourage you to vice-chair in order to learn how to run a Yale MUN committee. Like chairs, you will get to engage with all the fun of the conference, run the debate sessions, and learn about pressing international issues. If you want to know more about chairing, see the chairing resources below!

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